If you have recently moved to a new home, you will have to either cancel utilities as any of the moving companies Denver supplies will tell you, or transfer services to your new location, within six months of becoming the owner of the property, otherwise the services will be ceased. This situation may become unpleasant not only because you will not have access to utilities, but also because the reconnection of services will be possible only with additional costs.
In order to transfer a contract you have with a certain utility supplier from your name to someone else`s name or vice versa, you have several possibilities.
- Both the seller and the buyer of the property go together at one of the customer relations centers of the utility supplier. Here, they submit the file with the documents requested by the company and ask for the transfer of the contract to the new owner.
- The buyers of the property present themselves at the customer relations center and prove that they are the new owner, requesting a new contract.
- The former owner requires the cancellation of the contract. In this case, the new owner can present the documents necessary to make new contracts anytime they wish.