If you have the funny thought in the back of your mind, the one telling you it’s time to pack your bags and move, it’s probably right. Many times the best reason to move is a slight gut feeling. Your routine might seem ok, you might be happy at your job, and you might love the home you raised your family in, but there are other pressing reasons which cause one to relocate. If you’re experiencing any of these move-worthy life factors, perhaps it’s time for a change of scenery…
Lived in the Same Place Your Whole Life
A new destination, somewhere more exciting and unexpected, may be calling out to you. It’s comforting to live in the same town, metropolitan area, or region your entire life, but for some people, enough is enough. Adventure elsewhere awaits and it may be worth the risk to take the chance on a move elsewhere.
Starting a Family
If you are recently engaged, or thinking about moving in with your significant other, it is likely time to do a little house hunting. A vibrant one-bedroom on the 7th floor is no longer suitable if you have goals of starting a family soon. Moving from the city to the suburbs, or from a condo to a house, is something to consider if you desire safer neighborhoods, kid-friendly streets, good schools, and a yard to play in.
Outgrown Your Home
For those who started their family years ago, your house might feel as though it’s shrinking. Of course, this is not true, your family is just growing. New members are added and existing members are getting taller and older. As children grow up, they will need more room to play and to have some space to themselves. Gone will be the days of shared rooms and bunkbeds. The solution? Moving into a larger home, possibly one with excellent storage space!
Shorter Commute
It’s simple, traffic has doubled since you moved in 10 years ago and the commute to work keeps getting longer and longer. Maybe it’s time to consider moving a bit closer to work.
Job Opportunity
Transfers, promotions, cities specializing in your specific industry, there are so many job-related reasons to move. It could just be you do not enjoy your job and are searching for a fresh start at a new company, why limit yourself to search locally? Another reason to expand your horizons and broaden your employment search is if you can’t find work where you currently live.
Fixer-Upper Burn Out
If you check off one item on your home’s to-do list just to add three more, it’s time to call the realtor. Home repair should not compete with the mortgage for the most expensive bill. A new new home may even save you some money in the long run.
Just got that new job? Did the boss finally give you a raise? A home upgrade could be the best investment for you at this time. If your family is growing, upgrade. If your taste is maturing, upgrade. What you liked in your 20’s may not fit your preference in your mid 30’s.
Can you do what you like where you live? If the answer is no, move! Maybe you want to be closer to family. Maybe you want to have a lush, green yard for your dog. Have you always wanted to be closer to the mountains? Or try living the city life? Don’t put these things on hold, you never know when the opportunity to move will present itself again.