Have you noticed all of the garage sales, moving sales, and estate sales lately? It is a sure sign that spring is here. What do you do if you don’t sell everything? There are several options. Most know about Goodwill, A.R.C., and the Salvation Army. There are other charities that accept donations around town as well. When doing research for this article I found an unlimited number of charities in the Denver Metro Area. Pick your favorite and do a search. Give to a cause that is meaningful to you and if they won’t come to you to pick things up, we have a two hour minimum, one of the lowest in the metro area.
Here are a couple of our favorite places willing to take donations. Remember used mattresses and box springs can not be donated. Check with your trash service for a special pick up of those items. Also, call ahead to make sure your favorite charity is taking donations and what they can and can not take.
Wishing Well Foundation is an organization in Denver that helps the homeless get off the streets. Often they will help furnish a home for free if you qualify. They will also come and pick up any furnishings, clothing, etc that you do not want. To schedule a pick up call 303-892-5594.
Jeffco Action Center www.jeffcoac.org , www.arcthrift.com, www.goodwillindustries.org , Habitat for Humanity www.habitatmetrodenver.org