When you move, you need a lot of organization so you do not lose objects or your temper. Here is what your to-do list should include to be really helpful.
Two months ahead:
- Sort your stuff and throw what you know you will not take with you
- Ask around about professional relocation companies in your area and find more about their services
6 weeks ahead:
- Get things that will help you move: boxes, bags, duct tape, markers, labels, special containers etc.
One month ahead:
- Choose from the recommended moving companies in Wheat Ridge that will help you move and make all the arrangements
- Pack things that you will not going to use until you move
- Labels each storage box to know what is inside and find things easily when you unpack
- Put valuable things like money or jewels in a safe box that you will carry personally to your new home. Eventually, get insurance for the very valuable items.
- Make formal arrangements for the address change
A week ahead:
- Make sure you can take a couple of free days from work
- Confirm the arrangements made with those who will help you move
- Make your personal luggage
The day before:
- Check once again all the details you’ve arranged with those who will help you move: your address, directions to reach your destination, contact information etc.
- Clean the location you are about to leave